Friday 18 March 2011



What genre of music do you think my magazine covers?
Answer 1: R&B
Answer 2:HIP-HOP
Answer 3:POP
Answer 4:R&B/HIP-HOP
Answer 5:R&B
Answer 6:POP

Personal response:
I am a little bit disappointed with this as I did want it to look like a R&B magazine however, looking at it again after this feedback I agree it does look quite a bit like a pop magazine. But on the other hand a lot of the ‘pop’ artists now a days are also associated with the R&B scene so this may not necessarily be a bad thing as it may also appear to a wider audience.

Which gender do you feel my magazine is mainly aimed at or both equally?
Answer 1:Female
Answer 2:Both
Answer 3:Female
Answer 4:Both
Answer 5:Female
Answer 6:Female

Personal response:
I did try to aim my magazine at both genders how I do feel it has turned out to look feminine and as if it had purposefully been aimed at females as I have only used female models and used quite feminine house colours.

What age range do you feel my magazine targets?
Answer 1:16-25
Answer 2:16-19
Answer 3:15-24
Answer 4:17-25
Answer 5:16-25
Answer 6:16-24

Personal response:
I am very happy with this result as all answers cover some part of my 16-25 target audience and 2 people actually guessed this correctly.

Would you buy my magazine if it was on the shelves? If not why?
Answer 1:No, I don’t like R&B music
Answer 2:Yes
Answer 3:Yes
Answer 4:No, I don’t buy music magazines
Answer 5:No, it looks to feminine
Answer 6:Yes

Personal response:
Only half of my interviewees said they would buy my magazine if it was on the shelves how ever out of the other 3 two people said it was because of the type of music or that they just didn’t buy music magazines however one of the answers was that the magazine was too feminine which I do now agree with.

Do you think my house colours, fit in with the genre of the music magazine?
Answer 1:Yes
Answer 2:Could have been a bit bolder in colours for example the purple
Answer 3:Yes
Answer 4:No, not in your face enough
Answer 5:Yes
Answer 6:Yes

Personal response:
I am quite happy with these results however the two people who did not think my house colours fitted in with my magazine said they were not bold enough so I shall work on the colours to make them stand out a bit more.

Do you think my magazine looks professional?
Answer 1:Yes
Answer 2:The front cover doesnt
Answer 3:I think the contents page and double page spread definitely do
Answer 4:Yeah its amazing
Answer 5:Yes
Answer 6:No

Personal response:
 There is a bit of a mixture of results here although overall there are more yes' than no's so i am quite happy with this. There are a couple of comments that my front cover doesnt look proffesional but the contetns page and double page spread do, so this is something that could be improved.

What is your least and most favourite part of my magazine?
Answer 1:Double page spread is favourite, least is front cover looks less professional
Answer 2:Photoshop isn’t too good, the contents page is elegant
Answer 3:the image on the contents page hasn’t been edited very well, double page spread is good.
Answer 4:Front page is really good and the images look really good and professional, font is a bit plain
Answer 5:Fave-images are really good, least- background on front page
Answer 6:layout is really good, images are a bit repetitive not enough variety

Personal response:
There is a mixture of results here, although the least favourite thing seems to be on the subject of images so i could improve on that.

Overall response:
I am quite happy with these results as they are mainly positive, i also feel they are very honest and have given me quite a lot to improve on, i shall take these into account for the future.

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