Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Double page spread Article

Since i have changed my double page spread all together i have also decided to change the article to go on it. Therefore i have produced an article with the artist "Kiara" in order to fit in with the new idea for the double page spread.

Kiara has had many peoples backs up recently, and we at
BEAT are keen to find out why she has offended so many
artists. She talks to us about her Love, War and Music in this
exclusive interview with us.

So Kiara you’re here to set the record straight for your fans,
why have you been insulting so many different artists?
The truth is i haven't, not all of them! Yes i may have said a
few things which could be seen as insulting to certain
artists which you know it isn't hidden that we don't get on.
But a lot of the ‘alleged insults’ are made up by the press
you know what its like. They either print stuff that is
completely untrue or just twist slight things that may have
been said and make them completely untrue and in most
cases completely unrealistic. For example them saying
i have recently sent a spy round to Anya’s house to set off
stink bombs. I mean come on yes, i don't exactly get on with
her but a spy where the hell am i supposed to get one of
them from. (laughs)

True, probably not the most realistic story! Is it true though
that you bought 100 of Anya’s latest albums and through
them on your fire on bonfire night, to kick off your
(laughs) Actually yes that is true, it sounds worse than what
it was though. We were very drunk. My friend had thought it
would be funny to buy a 100 of her CD’s and give them to me
as a joke. So as i unwrapped them i was stood round the
bonfire, i very drunkenly through them onto the bonfire, yes.
And it did kick the celebrations off with a very big bang! ha

I'm sure, Is it also true that you sabotaged Jazmine’s bush
on the way home from a night out?
YES!! (laughs) goodness, that sounded so funny the way you
put that. (laughs) Again we were drunk, in the taxi home as
we past her house and thought it would be funny to chop a
few leaves here and there, and turned it into a suggesting
shape! oh it was funny tho, and its not as if she doesn't have
a gardener who will of sorted it out straight away. Although i
think i would of kept it if it was my bush, looked much better
than her old one! (laughs)

Now we know that the issue of former fiance Malle pas, is
a sensitive issue for you. But how do you feel about the
rumours he is seeing Anya now?
I  think its a load of crap if I'm honest. I know for a fact he
isn't seeing her. I know they did become close when
recording their single together, but i spoke to him last night
and he has his eyes set on someone else, right now.

Any chance of you two getting back together?
I don't know about that i would like to but i just don't think it
would work anymore. he knows how i feel about his and
Anya’s relationship and how much it hurt me. I just don't
think i could trust him again, but i think he is willing to try
and persuade me, whether he will be successful or not
is a different question altogether!
Didn't he recently say in an interview with B.A.M, that he is
currently seeing Anya and they have already started
planning their future together?
I don't know. I haven't heard anything like that, if he did then
there is no chance, but there again i know what the press
are like and they could of just made that up, who knows?

On a positive note though, you have a new album coming
out next month don't you?
Yes i do, I'm really pleased with it, i love the sounds that have
been created.

Whens the release date then?
16th April, its being released in the UK. i think it will be a big
hit. And as always it has some really meaningful lyrics in
there as well.

Great, well we look forward to hearing it, thank you for your
time Kiara.
Its always a pleasure, thankyou.

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