Monday 13 December 2010

Development- Questionnaire results

1. What is your gender?
    Male [ 10  ] Female [  10 ]
2. What is your age group?
    <16 [  1 ] 17-24 [  11 ] 25-35 [ 5  ] 35-50 [ 3  ] 50+ [   ]
3. What is your preferred music genre?
R&B/HipHop- 12      Rock- 5      Pop-3
4. What is your occupation?
Nurse/Carer- 6    Sales Manager- 1    Student- 11   Teacher-1    Artist- 1  
5. Which title do you feel is most relevant for a R&B music magazine?
[6   ] Beat
[ 5  ]B.A.M (Bust A Move)
[  2 ]RATT (Run and Tell That)
[   ] PTTR (Paint The Town Red)
[   ] Tune
[ 2  ] Whip
[  3 ] Ebony
[   ] Inferno
[1   ] Rush
6. Do you have any other suggestions i could use as a magazine title?
Swarve, Hysteria, Mirage, Cherish, Satin
7. How much would you be willing to pay for this type of magazine?
    <£1.00 [  4 ] £1.01-£1.59 [  8 ] £1.60-£2.01 [ 4  ] £2.00-£3.49 [  2 ] £3.50+ [  1 ]
8. How often would you like new issues to be released?
    Weekly [ 4  ] Monthly [ 14  ] Annually [ 2  ]
9. Which gender would you prefer to see on the front cover?
    Male [ 6  ] Female [14  ]

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