Monday 13 December 2010

Front cover drafting

 These are two ongoing ideas i have for my final front cover of my magazine. I really like the tagline, masthead and date line in this front cover. I also, although it is not edited properly think the image works well as it is pointing towards the masthead entizing the reader.  Im not too sure on the coverline as of yet. I like the positioning of the barcode, however this still needs a lot of work. There is a lot of space left for cover lines and maybe some images. However it has the potential to be a good front cover, and unlike the over front cover it leaves a lot of space for headlines etc.

This is a completed draft of how my front cover could look if i use this idea. I think yet again the masthead and date line look good and the colours go well. However i'm not totally sure on the colour schemes for either of these drafts although i think i shall keep the masthead colouring. Although yet again the images are not yet edited properly i think this set up of the two artists is good in a versus style. Also the image connotates a new upcoming artist taking over and older artist etc. I think the colouring and set out of the cover line works well, and i like the exclusive line. There is not much room left for anymore text although i dont feel that anymore is necessary. I think this has the potential to be a really good front cover, although the barcode seems to of gone missing!

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