Thursday 21 October 2010

Some Images i took, for my college magazine

 I like this image, i think it portrays a fun aspect of college whilst using actual students which would draw the audience to the magazine. The only problem i can find with this picture is that it is not a medium close-up shot so therefore cannot be used for my front cover.

 I think the lighting in this picture is really good. The colours are all very vibrant and bright. The picture portrays a moral of teamwork and also fun to the aspect of college. Again the only problem i can find with this picture is that it is not a medium close-up shot so can also not be used for my main image.

 This is a medium close-up shot of a student who is smiling. This could be used as my main image. I have decided not to use this as my main image, as i do not think it is good enough quality. The lighting is not good enough and also i do not feel the student is centred enough. 
This is a nice picture of two students playing a game of chess. The quality however is poor, so therefore will not be used in any aspect of my magazine.
This is again another nice image of two students playing chess. It is however of better quality and i may decide to use this in one of cover stories, although it is not the best quality image.
 I will not be using this image, as i do not feel it fits into the conventions of a colleg emagazine. The student is neither looking at the camere, laughing or getting on with her work.
This is a good picture of two happy students. It is a medium close-up shot so fits the conventions of a college magazine in that aspect. However, it is a landscape image so because of that it would not work. I don't think i will use this image.

This is a good image of a student getting on with his work in the newly built library. However his face is a little bit to low down, so i therefore wont be using this image.
This image is very similar to the one above, the diference being that his head is slightly more arisen with a slight smile on his face. This is a great example of a medium close-up shot. It also portrays a hardworking student. I think this may be the image i use.
This image is off really high quality. It is a great image of two students getting stuck in on some practical photography work. I would love to use this as my main image but it would not fit any conventions. However i think it would make a good coverline story image. I will definately be putting this image somewhere in my magazine.

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