Friday, 22 October 2010

Evaluation of College magazine- Front cover


I wanted to create a college magazine that would appeal to students at WYKE college. So i specifically aimed it at these students. I named the college magazine WYKE it's short, simple and straight to the point. I originally thought of calling my college magazine WYKE association, i would of kept WYKE big as it is in the final cover with a smaller font for the 'association' part but when i tried this it didn't look very good. 

I took quite a few pictures, but when choosing an image for my main image on the front cover i felt quite limited. This is because as i re-read the brief and realised the main image had to be a medium close-up shot i realised i did not have as many of medium close-up shots as i would of wanted. Also many if my images were not of good enough quality to be used. However i am happy with my main image as it fits in with the conventions of a hard working student although he does not fit into all conventions of a purposed 'geek' getting on with his work, which gives a cross of a moral that you don't have to be a 'geek' to do your work. Which is the obvious aim of a college environment.

I also chose to take most of my pictures in the new library and the newly opened grassed area showcasing the new facilities. I think this works well with the new image of the college.

I originally used the font TW cen MT but decided to change this to Soho pro for my final front cover. I did this because i felt Soho pro stood out more and made the writing stand out more. I used the same font in my masthead and cover lines to create an on-going convention within its own individual college.

I positioned my bar code in the bottom left hand corner which is also a convention of any magazine. Although college magazines do not usually have bar codes as they are usually free of charge, i decided to use a bar code as it makes the magazine look more important also in case the college decided to charge for the college magazines.

 I used cover lines i thought would catch a college students eye, that would keep them enthusiastic about their college and interested on ongoing events. I did not use all my purposed cover lines i had originally thought of, but as i looked at my images i was influenced on different headlines.

 I chose to put some images also on my front cover, which is not a necessary convention of a magazine but i felt it bulked it up a bit more, and made the magazine look more exciting. It also gives an opportunity for more students to be displayed which in turn will entice more readers.

I chose to use one academic, professional looking photo and one of some students having fun on the new grass , creating human pyramids in a mid action long shot. I backed these images on a black border so that they stood out from the main image.

I think overall this is a good college magazine front cover, i think i could have maybe improved the main image and used a more creative font and colour scheme, but i think i achieved the simplistic, clean layout convention of a college magazine front cover.

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