Saturday 20 November 2010

LIIAR analysis of Flavour-Front cover

Flavour magazine, is a pop magazine aimed towards 16-24 year olds. We can tell this by the fact it is a free magazine, therefore ideal for students who have low income. It aimed predominantly at females as shown by the image of JLS who are a big hit with young teen girls. The houe colours of gold, black and white, work well together and are consistant throughout. The magazine uses the convention of a tagline, showing artists that are included within the magazine. It also uses the convention of a bold masthead in an easy to read font. A medium shot of the band is used to include all band members and the shot is at eye level allowing the readers to feel connected with the band and as if they are looking directly at them. There is not much text used on the cover, however the simplistic stle works well and because of the big image including four males not much text is needed. The convention of a website is included on the front cover, however a barcode is not used on this magazine, instead the magazine is free which challenges conventions of music magazines.

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