Monday 14 February 2011

Production of Contents page

 My frist initial idea was to have a simple masthead with image's down the left hand side. I decided at this early stage that the direction in which this layout was going was not what i wanted. It looked very amateur and plain, so i gave up early on this idea.

I then decided to start the layour with the images i wanted to use by placing them first and i was then going to place the text around it. I soon decided that i did not like these images and decided to start the process again.
This is my first production draft of my contents page. I like the background colour as it fits in with my target audience also therefore i aim to keep that. I like the font and the effects i have put on the typography as well as the basic colour. I haven't finished creating headlines for the features or regulars section. I like the set up of the page, however i am not sure what to include on the left hand side. I have thought of using my originally ideas of putting a few images down it however i feel this may look a bit cluttered and disjointed. I like the colour schemes i have used throughout and think the images work well. I have decided to write the text on the right hand side of the page after looking at the layout of billboard contents page with an inspiration of vibes layout also. I want to keep the layout of my whole magazine simple, clean and elegant looking. In order to make it an easier read.

I have now decided how to fill in the right hand column. As with a lot of music magazines, therefore to fit in with conventions i am going to include my masthead on the contents page. Using the same colour as on the front page (house colours). I am then going to include one main big image. I am going to use the image i was originally going to use for my front cover. I think the image is very quirky and quite fun looking. It also shows the artist pointing towards the magazine masthead, giving emphasis on the title and giving an impression that the artist is a big fan of the magazine also. I think this image fits in well with the look i am wanting to create for the contents page. I am so far happy with the way the contents page is turning out.
I have now added the rest of the text i am going to include on my contents page, and am happy with all the headlines i have created. I have also sorted them out into suitable page numbers. I have then sorted both sections (features and regulars) into numerical order by the page numbers which took a long time! I am happy with how the contens page looks, however i feel the left hand side of the page looks a bit bare near the top so i think is hall need to add some extra text there. I also need to find an appropiate image to fill the blank space in the features section.

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